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another afternoon

Makati Science Vision

dancing sunlight

cackle of birds

the hot star is at its peak

it was definitely warm

I can feel wetness at my neck

there's an awful taste in my mouth

my lips are dry as they stick to each other

my eyes are becoming droopy

my head does pirouettes when I shift my weight

clinking of metals

the industrial sound of a fan

gentle wind caresses me

while the heat prickles my skin

it was definitely warm

but it felt cold

my chest akin to the trenches of the oceans

seemingly empty

but monsters reside

my thoughts swirling around millions of distances a second

a typhoon wrecking my mind

my soul, numb

blood unable to reach

my limbs as it is frosted with ice

the low growls of dogs bring me back to reality

it was definitely warm

another afternoon

lazily dreaming

of love unattainable

the phone rings

it was too late to answer

the sound wakes me

telling me to get up

despite gravity weighing me down

I feel too comfortable

yet uneasy

so I wallow for a while

in the hopes of living yet again

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